Innovative health research to solve today’s greatest challenges.
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We seek to understand the link between our genes and the environment in causing disease.
Research AreasCore Facilities and Research Support.
The Centre for Heart Lung Innovation technicians and research staff have extensive training and experience, ensuring that results are consistent and reliable with minimal turnover time. We have eight core facilities, which include Cellular Imaging and Biophysics, Pre-Clinical Services, Histology, Molecular Phenotyping, Digital Slide Scanning, Graphics and Imaging, as well as our Cardiovascular and Lung Tissue Registries.

Innovative Solutions for Heart and Lung Diseases.
301Interdisciplinary researchers, research associates, students and staff, primiarily from the UBC Faculties of Medicine and Science.
Core Facilities
9Core imaging, molecular phenotyping, preclinical modeling and other facilities, including two world-class heart and lung biobanks, for our own and external users.
Publications in 2023
343Including in top-tier journals such as Lancet, Nature Genetics, the British Medical Journal, European Heart Journal and others.
Support our work and education by donating to the HLI today.
Your support makes it possible for us to make research breakthroughs, train the next generation of scientists, and develop new strategies for better patient care. Support us today by donating to the St. Paul’s Hospital Foundation.

The history of the pioneers at the HLI.
Previously known as iCAPTURE and the James Hogg Research Centre (JHRC), HLI was established as the Pulmonary Research Laboratory in 1977 by Drs. James Hogg (2013 Gairdner Wightman Award Winner) and Peter Pare. Since then, it has grown dramatically in scope, size, and worldwide impact.